Friday, July 2, 2010

Kimya Dawson at Ballard Mine

The Ballard Mine is a really wonderful space that I discovered this past winter, when my friend Brittany tweeted that her boyfriend's band was playing there.  I, living in Ballard, and never having heard of this place (I also hadn't seen Brittany in something like 8 years!) was intrigued.  As it turns out- the space is less than a block from my apartment, and puts on a lot of really great shows.  It's an incredibly positive and welcoming space, that focuses on sharing skills and sharing music.

Earlier this week the adorably famous Kimya Dawson played.  Amy and I squished criss-cross-applesauce onto the floor right smack in front of her and grinned like silly fools through most of her set.  Her songs are almost always cute and a little silly- and quite often completely heartbreaking.  I wish that I could have recorded her entire set, and while my camera couldn't quite handle that- I did get her new "rap" on camera.  Enjoy!

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