Thursday, August 27, 2009

Link Love!

Ah, yes.

- Feral Houses from Sweet Juniper. AMAZING post. It's beautiful and creepy and fantastic.

- Bicycle Benefits- a really cool program that gets you discounts and free stuff for slapping a sticker on your helmet (and actually wearing it).

- Urban Farm Magazine! Oh boy.

- Tomato Tarts? Uh... yes, please.

- One Year After the 250-Mile Diet is a very cool write up about a realistic approach to eating locally.

- Kristatomic posts on decorating your House & Home, via her collection of inspiring photos. I think a lot of these are from Design Sponge. I have to keep reminding myself that we're moving into our own place in just over a month... and then Matao will probably be in flowery, textured hell. This couch is just about the most fantastic thing I've ever seen.

- Hahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaa

- And lastly: KOMBUCHA!!! from The Baking Bird. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

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