Thursday, March 18, 2010

Link Love!

I feel like I have been MIA lately.  Busy busy busy!  I'm leaving tomorrow to go camping for the weekend, so while I won't be posting for the next few days- I should have some good photos to share when I get back!  Here are a few bits and pieces for the time being. Short and sweet!

- Seabreeze Farm on Vashon has just started doing dinner and movie events which I am now dying to attend.

- Fat of the Land on miners lettuce, which is my latest love.

- Not Martha does a write up titled Super Natural Cooking at the Cookbook Club where she gets together with a group of friends who have all made dishes from the same cookbook.  I love both this idea, as well as the recipes that they used.

- Sustainable Diet admits to being imperfect in the kitchen.  Something that I always struggle with.  Check out Inedible.

- As someone who hasn't been much of a pork eater since somewhere around the age of 15- I was surprised at how badly I want to make this: Honey Ginger Pork Tenderloin.  Seriously yum.

- And on a sunny closing note- Kristatomic has a wonderful post up- Spring is Coming.

Now go outside!

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