Friday, April 9, 2010

Link Love!

Short and sweet!

- Jen of Indie Fixx has a post up on Craft Zine that details Growing Your Own Microgreens Indoors with lots of lovely pictures and really good instructions.  This is my plan once I have my little seedlings in pots.

- Have I mentioned that I have a big huge giant ridiculous blogger crush on Ashley English?  Seriously.  This woman is amazing.  I just found out about her YouTube channel and I can't stop watching.  On top of that- she just just just released the first two books in her Homemade Living series- Canning & Preserving and Keeping Chickens.  I haven't gotten my hands on either yet (my lack of chicken keeping space means I'll most likely be focusing on her canning book), but Food in Jars has a really wonderful write-up with photos.  

- I made this carrot cake on Sunday night for an office birthday- and it was one of my all-time favorites.  I covered the entire thing in unsweetened coconut flakes and walnuts, and used lots of lemon in the frosting.  It's even lovely to look at plopped on a paper plate.  I want to eat it again. 

- Fry Books is hosting the 5th Annual Seattle Edible Book Festival tomorrow (Saturday, April 10th) at the Good Shepherd Center in Wallingford, here in Seattle.  "Cook the Books! combines the creative and culinary talents of NW bibliophiles, foodies, book artists, chefs, bakers, librarians, kids and punsters."  

- Petite Vanilla Bean Scones from The Pioneer Woman are killing me.  A co-worker actually brought in a container of the "real" scones from Starbucks and they were good.  Really, really good.  I've never had them since, as I couldn't pronounce half of the ingredients in them.  But this... this I can do.  I'm hoping to have time this weekend.  White flour and refined sugar for breakfast!  Yes!

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